Matt Schouten

Thoughts on building people, software, and systems.

Category: Technical

  • Making states explicit

    My team uses Postman a lot.  We store our collections in git.  But we don’t want to store our secrets there.  Postman is kind enough to allow users to create environments to hold those secrets. Even with environments, the need to keep secrets secret gives us a configuration problem.  Setting up a new environment involves…

  • Replacing a Database – Retrospective

    My team at H.I. Digital Solutions swapped out the database layer of an application. We moved from CosmosDB (a document-style/NoSQL database) to SQL Server. Some things went well. Some less so. Check out what we learned in the post I wrote: Retrospective on a Database Replacement.

  • Resources for Transitioning to Agile

    One of my former interns, an excellent engineer, is working at a company that is transitioning to agile. He asked for some readings and resources I’d recommend. This got a bit longer than a few links, so I decided to turn it into an article instead of a direct message. Without further ado, my recommended…