Matt Schouten

Thoughts on building people, software, and systems.


Hi! I’m Matt Schouten.

I help people, companies, and teams make systems better.

I got started as a software engineer around 20 years ago. I’ve worked alone, worked on a team, been a peer leader on teams, managed teams, designed products, designed systems, designed processes, designed organizations. Along the way, I’ve learned a thing or two about how organizations turn time, money, and brainpower into something valuable. Things like managing well, building systems for what’s important (like onboarding employees), taking better approaches to building software, and thinking about outcomes first.

My Working Genius profile is Inventor / Enabler. I am at my best when I’m asked to solve problems that matter, helping other folks or teams learn, grow, scale, enabling them to achieve more of the things that matter to them.

I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with my wife Amber and our kids.

If you or your team could use some help at any level, drop me a line at I’d love to hear from you!