Matt Schouten

Thoughts on building people, software, and systems.

Month: September 2022

  • Warfighting Book Club – Week Three

    This is Week Three in the Warfighting Book Club, relating the Marine Corps doctrinal publication Warfighting to business agility. This section is not my favorite, but raises a lot of good questions to consider organizationally. Warfighting Week Three Leader’s Notes and Questions [Page numbers and quotes are taken from Warfighting, MCDP 1, 2019 Edition] Sections: …

  • Warfighting Book Club – Week Two

    This is Week Two in the Warfighting Book Club, relating the Marine Corps doctrinal publication Warfighting to business agility. This was a great, meaty section. I left a lot of possible topics and questions off the list because we only had so much time to discuss. Warfighting Week Two Leader’s Notes and Questions [Page numbers…

  • Warfighting Book Club – Week One

    One of the best books on agile development or business agility is Warfighting, Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication #1. It takes a little bit of work to translate from the military domain to the business domain, but it’s worth it, in much the same way that The Art of War is. I recently led a book…