Matt Schouten

Thoughts on building people, software, and systems.

State of Work Survey, June 2020

As anyone reading this in real-time knows, the world has looked different to most of us for the past couple of months. I’m curious what that means to everyone.

For me, I started working for a pure-remote company last August, so I had very few work-related changes. On the other hand, I experienced social and family changes. No gatherings, stores and restaurants closed, and most impactful of all, schools closed. That means my kids got to be distance learners, and my wife got to be a distance educator.

Obviously, my experience isn’t typical. Realistically, nobody’s experience is typical. And that’s why I’m running a somewhat unscientific survey, in the hopes of better understanding what everyone is experiencing.

The survey I put together uses work as a touchpoint, but asks about things like kids at home during this.

I want to hear a bit about your experiences so I can get a better idea of how life really looks for everyone. I want to hear from you: employed or not, affected a lot or a little, in the U.S. or not, urban or rural, I’d love to have your input! I anticipate it taking about 10 minutes to fill out the survey, unless you’re going to write a lot.

Your individual responses are 100% confidential.

If you are interested in finding out what I learn, I’ll send a report to anyone who has filled out the survey after I’ve gone through all the responses. I’m planning on finishing analysis within the month, June 2020.

One final thing: to get the broadest possible reach, would you please share the survey with your friends, colleagues, and the rest of your network?

The State of Work Survey for June 2020 will be open for responses through Saturday, June 13.


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